How To Use Local SEO To Send Your Family Lawyers Website To The Top Of Google

How competitive is the family lawyers sector that your law practice operates within? Suppose it is in any way competitive, as it is in almost every location you care to think of. In that case, you must find ways to place your family law practice before the eyes of those who are looking for legal representation for family law matters.

You could do this in several ways offline, such as local advertising in local newspapers or radio stations, but the problem with them, apart from the cost, is that they are not well-targeted. Thousands of people will be seeing or hearing your ads who currently have no need for, nor interest in hiring, a family lawyer.

This is one of the reasons that online marketing is favored by many businesses, including family law businesses, because it provides several means of targeting more effectively within your advertising and marketing strategies. One of those methods used by numerous companies to generate lots of traffic and, thus, prospects is local SEO.

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What Are H Tags and How Do They Help SEO?

Those who are seasoned in the ways of SEO will know there are tactics and optimisation that come and go, and what would help rank a website one day, suddenly becomes something that detracts from that ranking.

On the other hand Oxygen Marketing say that, there are certain ranking factors that you could call evergreen and are likely to continue to be ranking factors for many years to come.

One of those is H tags, and while they are relatively simple aspects of SEO, a surprisingly high number of people are confused by what they are. In addition to that, they are unsure how to use H tags within an SEO campaign, and how they can help improve the ranking of a website.

What Are H Tags?

A long time ago, before websites had even been thought of, the main way people were able to access content, was by reading physical print as it existed in newspapers, magazines, and books.

Within those publications, different sizes of text were used to identify specific blocks of content, with one of the most common being the headline that appeared at the top of a story in a magazine or newspaper. In the printing world, that larger text was known as the header text

That same principle applies to websites where the larger text is used at the top of pages to identify what the content on those pages is about. The name given to that larger text is also called the header text.

The specific size of the header text is identified by a number and therefore the largest header text is represented by the letter ‘H’ (for header) and the number 1. This is the H1 tag.

As the size of header text decreases the number also changes, but inversely, so the higher the number, the smaller the header text. Therefore, the full set of H tags in order of decreasing text size is H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6.

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Why Is WordPress The Best CMS For SEO?

If you’re building a new website then you need to think carefully about search engine optimisation (SEO). Different websites perform differently on the SEO front, but WordPress is up there with the best.

However, you shouldn’t take my word for it. I’ve done some research and put together a quick list including a few of the many reasons why WordPress is the best CMS for SEO purposes. They include:

WordPress is super versatile:

WordPress is arguably the most versatile content management system on the web. It powers over 30% of the world’s websites – and there’s a reason for this.

Since WordPress is fully open source, you can access your code, edit, and add pretty much anything you want to your site. This is extremely useful when it comes to SEO as well.

If you really want to rank well for highly competitive keywords, you will need to make sure that your website’s code is optimized. Things like page load speeds, responsiveness, and performance under load are very important, and WordPress lets you tweak things to optimize all of these.

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Have You Felt The Wrath Of The Panda Yet?

SEO bloggers were abuzz only a few months ago about the mighty Google update. Nicknamed “Panda”, this was the update that was to limit the ranking of low-quality text-farm type sites that clog search results. The new update valid about June of 2011 is Panda 2.2, and Search Engine Roundtable has the dirt on that.

Now, they didn’t specifically come out and say content farms… but it’s pretty clear that they were looking in their direction.

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